CMA's 25th Anniversary National Conference
The Cabinet Makers Association has been helping shops grow since 1998. We will celebrate our 25th anniversary March 8-10, 2023 in downtown Nashville. Join us to learn strategies to build your business.
Here's a preview about our keynote speakers
Thanks to our event sponsors:
- Blum
- CCF Industries
- Crow's Nest Software
- DC Distributing
- Federated Insurance
- Hafele
- Lockdowel
- Original Saw
- Renovar
- Rev-A-Shelf
- Richelieu
- ShopBot
- Stiles Machinery
- Williams & Hussey
- Weinig Holz-Her USA
Additional Activities:
- Guitar Building Workshop on Saturday >Register
Note: the hotel is sold out on the Tuesday before our event. However, we did extend our group rate through the weekend if you want stay longer. Hotel reservations must be made before February 15, 2023.